Please complete the following form to obtain your Free, No Obligation Instant Quote.
Commercial cleaning service
OnlineEstimate   Contact Us
Minimum bid per month $400
The minimum price per visit is $100
What is the type of facility?
How often your facility requires service?
What is your facility's approximate size in square feet?
If you do not know the square feet then you can generally estimate a fully staffed office at 250 square feet per person.
How many of the following fixtures does your facility contain? A fixture is a toilet, urinal, shower, mirror and sink.
Is the area to be cleaned crowded?
Approximate percentage of your building that is Tile vs Carpet?
Additional Cleaning Services (priced separately on the contract)
Number of interior windows to be cleaned?
Square footage of steam cleaning carpets?
Square footage of stripping and waxing tile floors?
Square footage of spray buff tile floors?
Square footage of scrub and top coat tile floors?
Square footage of wall to be washed?
Janitorial   service   Total ($)
Additional services Total ($)
Tax ($)
Monthly janitorial bid ($)
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