We are professional house cleaning company.

Save on clean offer our services in Coquitlam and Metro Vancouver area.

In our blog we would like to share the good ideas and recommendations about house cleaning.
If you are a house cleaning expert and would like to share some tips with us we would be delighted to hear from you.
House Cleaning Services

Tips on Cleaning With Kids
One of the things all parents are aware of is how difficult it may be to have our kids clean their rooms. It’s not necessarily because they are lazy, but mostly because this is a chore that even we rarely liked doing when we were teens or little kids. We see our kids whine, get easily distracted and sidetracked or dawdle just so they can avoid dealing with the mess in their room. You can remind them many times and in the end the situation will get more and more tiresome for both you and them. As parents we have a natural inclination toward order in our household in most cases, but kids often want to have their rooms as they see fit, running about or simply not understanding the importance of said orderliness. Very often our kids will do just enough to get us off their case so we won't bother them, but they will rarely develop some innate desire for cleaning or order. We can improve the situation with a few tips:

• You need to set a good example for your kids, who make the first step, the most important one. Since kids are very sensitive to what we say and do and they quickly learn from it, then this means we must be extra careful around them when it comes to orderliness. If you have a nice, positive attitude toward cleaning tasks from their early age, then they will learn to accept it for what it is. This will usually make them a whole lot more receptive to the idea of cleaning without any issues.

• Express pride in their work when they get cleaning done. Allow your kids to feel your approval, but don't do so in a condescending way as it will not only be counterproductive, but also hurtful. You will need to find ways to let them control what their room looks like, so you can have them help with rearranging small pieces of furniture or even paint something. Have them choose what sheets they want for their bed, wallpaper and other aspects of how their room looks like.

• Defining what it is to have a clean room is also something you must work on. A small, but useful checklist can go a long way toward improving the way they see their personal space. They will need to learn to make their beds, put their laundry away, hang up their own clothes, put toys and sports equipment away and vacuum their floor.

• There is a place for everything in a room and your kids need to learn that. It will help greatly if they already have a system ingrained in their minds that allows them to stick to certain rules. This will make cleaning a whole lot easier.

• Do chores together at first, so they will have an easier time getting used to the idea of cleaning. You should keep your expectations within reasonable limits until they know how things are done and get used to it. If you think things will be boring, you can add some energy to the chores by putting up some good music.